
 So, the 2-th International specialized exhibition "Zoorus 2001 "  was held. Behind there were four days of hard work on  expositions and months of preparation of this action previous to them. The exhibition carried out(spent) in this year in the Center "Moscow" at the All-Russia Exhibition Center, has collected recordly a plenty of participants. More than seventy firms have presented all necessary for the maintenance and cultivations (breed) of pets: the broadest assortment of forages and medical preparations, accessories and special adaptations. Opening ceremony of an exhibition carried out(spent): the president of National association of the enterprises zoobusiness (NAEZ) A.L.Romanovich, the deputy minister labor and social development of the Russian Federation by K.E.Lajkam, the executive director of the Russian Association zootechnologies, veterinary science and zooindustries (RAZVaZ) T.I.Kolchanova, the vice-president All-Russian political party " One million friends " N.A.Anoshko; the head physician of city of Moscow A.N.Tupnik; The pilot - cosmonaut, twice the hero of Soviet Union G.M.Strekalov etc. On solemn opening the greeting of the mayor of Moscow of J.M.Luzhkov to address of participants of an exhibition was read.

The exhibition " Zoorus 2001 " is prepared RAZVaZ  and NAEZ at support of the All-Russian political party " One million Friends ". Certainly, "Zoorus 2001 " - the big event in the world Russian zoobusiness, leaving for frameworks of daily life of the market. For this reason it would be desirable to remind readers of those important circumstances which have made its possible.


In my opinion, the way to a present exhibition has passed through two significant "marks". First of them is an exhibition "Zoorus-99", carried out(spent) by an autumn of 1999 in Central Artists’ House  on Crimean to the Shaft. Recollect: year with small has passed after crisis, life gradually started to enter into the channel, but all this occured in an atmosphere of vigilance, uncertainty in tomorrow's day. It is necessary to give due to organizers of that exhibition: putting forces and money in the perspective project, they have not simply shown to everything, that there has come long-awaited stabilization, but have in practice brought in the contribution to process of stabilization of the market. Participants of the first "Zoorus" was, as it seems to me, this is deeply experienced original " an autumn thawing weather ", and an exhibition, despite of a number of lacks, has left good impression. We were convinced of it and when answered numerous questions on terms of realization of the following exhibition and when met among participants "Zoorus-2001" practically all participants of the previous exhibition. Memory on good appeared marvellously a rack.

Second "mark", in many respects defined person of an exhibition "Zoorus-2001", began the true decision accepted in August, 2000 at joint meeting of representatives RAZVaZ and NAEZ. This decision consist of two basic items: first, to carry out an exhibition not an autumn when arose compelled, to nobody the necessary competition with "Zoosphera", and in the spring, at the end of March - in the beginning of April; second, an exhibition to lead combined efforts of these two professional associations.

The general opinion of the majority of participants "Zoorus": the exhibition has good prospects. However, during its preparation it was not possible to overcome some vigilance of the majority of exhibitors completely. At recordly big for Moscow quantity of participants the exhibition seem enough compact: small stands less than 9 –sq.m. prevailed. So exhibitors from Saint Petersburg was a little, but quantity of representatives of the firms from Saint Petersburg , arrived "to look", appeared over expectation big. Thus, the exhibition consist from very plenty of 2,4 and 6- meters stands grouped around seems on their background simply huge 70, 50, 20-meters. Once again we were convinced that features of building of industry show reflect features of the market. The area occupied with the organizations, frequently at all did not correspond to value, the size, a level of firm. The large, world famous companies were located on the same 6 meters, as firms about which we for the first time have heard at this exhibition. The size of the stand was defined absolutely by another - a level of trust yet not quite ripened, but already strongly become independent branch to not so the first, but already strongly become independent branch to not so the first, but still new exhibition.

As far as we have justified this trust? During an exhibition we had to listen much about spent action. I had an impression, that our exhibitors as a whole are satisfied with how the exhibition was carried out, except for one circumstance. If the place of realization, a degree of service, perspectivity of participation and so forth were appreciated highly the measures undertaken by administration of an exhibition for attraction of visitors, have not received such estimation. Not that visitors it was frank a little, but considering a place of realization, them could be and more. I think, that it is fair. In searches of the exhibition most convenient for realization and simultaneously acceptable at the price of rent and buildings of the area we have spent a little bit more time, than we would like, and consequently is declared final terms and a place was only in January 2001. Now we have found for our exhibition constant " a place a residence ". The problem of a place and terms can be counted decided: " Zoorus-2002 " It will be carried out in the beginning of April, 2002 in the Centre "Moscow". The exhibition has received the modern, adequate advertising company and quantity of its visitors considerably will increase. My interlocutors were unanimous - the exhibition was held. Already it is no simple "Zoorus-2001", and an annual, large, present Moscow exhibition of the goods for pets of the All-Russia scale.

 Sergey Borodatsky

(on materials of magazine " Droug ")


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